Why I became a professional organizer

Simply put, I love working with families.  Children bring me so much joy and I'm a parent myself, so I know how difficult it can be sometimes to raise them, work full time and try to keep it all together.  

Giving parents the peace of mind the comes with a beautifully organized space and giving their family more quality time together is my jam! That's why I became a professional organizer.

Organizing is a process, in fact I see it as a major part of our journey here on Earth.  It took me awhile to find a map to the smooth road, read on to learn a bit more about my personal experience with organizing,

My organizing journey

Organizing is liberating and helped me unlock my best self.  I'm living proof it's a skill that anyone can learn to improve their quality of life. I haven't always been organized, in fact, I was well known for my messy room and often late to class and handing in assignments when growing up.  I struggled to manage my time well and didn't see the value in tidying.


The MacAinsh Family in 2015

Once I became a mother I knew I needed to clean up my act. I did all that I could to manage my time and household.  It was okay when I was staying at home but once I went back to working full time, managing my time and keeping our house organized became a huge challenge. I felt I had no extra time besides working and taking care of my family.

Then, something changed my life forever. My family had a house fire in 2011, due to poor wiring in our home. This was a setback but reminded me that the important things in life are not things, instead, they are people and experiences.

It was the day we moved back into our re-built home, that I vowed to take this opportunity to learn how to organize our home. I wanted it to be functional and beautiful for all my family and friends to enjoy. I picked up every organizing book I could get my hands on and even studied professional organizing online.

Now, I'm known for my ability to organize and streamline anything that comes my way.  I can manage my time very effectively which allows me to volunteer, work full time and run a side business all while still having time to enjoy with my family and friends.  

Whether you're being weighed down by spaces in your home, papers in your office or another kind of project, like moving an ageing parent and are ready for help with it. I guarantee, by the end of the process, you'll feel a freeing sense of control and calm that comes from being organized. 

Kathleen MacAinsh
Organizing expert and designer

Book a free consultation where we can get to know each other, and chat about your organizing goals. 

Ready to clear the clutter and feel good in your home? Let's chat!

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